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Fusion of the 5 Eléments


Lundi,Mardi, mercredi et jeudi – 4 jours :


Une opportunité rare de pratiquer Fusion avec Maître Chia en Europe. 


Considérée comme “la crème des méditations”, cette méditation de fusions prendrs tout son sens et sera plus facile à pratiquer.

Ce sont des pratiques de détoxification émotionnelle que vous pourrez intégrer dans votre vie. Libérés des émotions négatives, les organes principaux jouent leurs rôles plus efficacement et vous remplissent d’énergie positive.


Il est aujourd’hui reconnu que le stress et autres émotions négatives ont un impact sur les conditions physiques et l’état de santé. Le taoïsme a fait cette corrélation depuis plus de 5000 ans et abonde en pratiques de détoxification et de lutte contre le stress. Ces pratiques permettent de se débarrasser des mauvaises énergies et de les remplacer par des qualités énergétiques positives. Vous ressentirez une grande amélioration sur les plans émotionnel, mental et physique.

Ces stages peuvent être suivis séparément, mais les ateliers du Lundi donnent les bases nécessaires pour participer aisément à la semaine tout entière. Reprendre les bases de l’alchimie interne avec Maître Chia est toujours enrichissant car le contenu du week-end est directement lié à celui de la semaine, préparant ainsi les stagiaires au processus de la Fusion.

Fusion of the 5 Elements


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday -  4 days:

Fusion of the Five Elements 


This is the most powerful tool to balance the emotions and delete the negative. »     Mantak Chia

A rare opportunity to concentrate on Fusion and setting up the protective Pakuas over 4 days.  You will deepen your understanding of the elements themselves, and your own particular 5 - Element Make-Up,

The ‘cream of meditation practices’ will make more sense and be easier to practice and hopefully you will be able to integrate these emotional de-tox techniques into your life.  Getting rid of negative emotions from the major body organs leave them freer to perform how they should and this will leave you with more positive energy

The NHS now recognises the correlation between stress and other negative emotions and physical conditions and symptoms.  Taoism has recognised this for over 5000+ years and is rich in practices to de-tox and de-stress, getting rid of bad energy to leave space for the positive energy and virtues.  This will improve your emotional, mental and your physical selves.


By adding sessions of the Inner Alchemy Qigong forms: 5 Element Qigong, & Stem Cell Activation Qigong, this class is a wonderful way to advance in meditation and improve health. For those interested in becoming Inner Alchemy Qigong Instructor, this provides you with a further 2 of the forms.

Fusion is also called Advanced Fusion of the Energy.  We take all the negative emotions and fuse them together, put in all the positive emotions, fuse them together and then we work to find an energy balance.  We have 5 elements inside our body, 5 sets of negative and positive emotions, 5 elements outside our body, 5 elements in the Universe and we learn to feel them one by one.  This is the most powerful tool to balance the emotions and delete the negative. »     Mantak Chia

Fusion of the Five Elements is the first level of meditation in a Taoist practice also known as Fusion of the Five Elements in the Universe. It is the beginning of Inner Alchemy, a scientific process by which you gain control over the energies of your inner universe so that a connection can be made to the tremendous energy of the universe beyond the body.

The Fusion of the 5 Elements Meditation is the next step on the path of Taoist meditation. A traditional Taoist internal alchemy practice, you will learn to take your transformation of negative emotions to the next level to nourish your higher spirit.
Learn to

  • Go deeper into the negative emotional energies in your organs

  • Understand your internal weather patterns

  • Link your sense organs with their “mother” organs

  • Neutralize the negative emotions

  • Crystalize your emotional energy into a “pearl”

  • Circulate this energy and attract more healing energy from high frequency sources 

This is an essential practice for emotional balance in these challenging times.
Prerequisite: Awaken the Healing Light or Taoist Basics

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